Monday, May 25, 2020

Ethical Issues Of Business Environment - 850 Words

Under present day business environment, companies can face a number of ethical issues that require making hard and often dissatisfying decisions. In this context, it is necessary to mind ethical norms as well as results of actions taken in order to keep the efficient communication across companies and keep the right balance in communication with colleagues, subordinates as well as mangers (Horton, 2015). Taking into consideration that there can be distinguished a range of ethical issues that pertain only to certain types of organization, there are still those ones that can be confronted by all possible types of companies. In order to deal with ethical dilemmas with due consideration and wisdom it is necessary view the problem from different perspectives (University, 2016). One of the key dilemmas faced by the employers these days is finding the right balance between the expense control and the interests of employees in terms of safety and health. It is a common knowledge that manufacturing facilities as well as a number of other workplaces with employees using dangerous equipment or being involved in the physically demanding work, it is necessary to establish and follow solid safety standards that are capable of not only complying with federal requirements, but also minimizing the likelihood of the accidents in the workplace. In fact, standard office workplaces can be threatening for the employees if they sit or stand all day long (Five Ethical Challenges in Healthcare,Show MoreRelatedCritical Ethical Issues in Todays Challenging Business Environment1904 Words   |  8 Pagesdiscuss an ethical issue from the business world that can impact the business operations, public image, and financial performance of an organization. In this paper, unethical mark eting has been discussed as the most critical issue in todays challenging business environment. The discussion on this issue has been done in the light of some recent research studies and real life examples. The paper concludes by highlighting the major findings from the discussion. Introduction: Business organizationsRead MoreEthics in the Workplace1201 Words   |  5 PagesClassical and Contemporary Ethical Philosophies Ethical philosophies served as guide for people in the workplace to make moral decisions in conducting business. There are classical normative ethical philosophies as well as contemporary ethical philosophies being used. They have been applied in the different levels or dimensions of the business organizations. People do know that there are business organizations that have disregarded ethical standards and encounters ethical issues inside their companyRead MoreIndividual Rights and the Business Organization1543 Words   |  6 PagesIndividual Rights and the Business Organization Individual Rights and the Business Organization Introduction In todays highly uncertain business environment, businesses and individuals face a number of ethical issues which arise due to different internal and external environmental factors and impact the individuals within and outside the organizations. The ethical issues which negatively impact the privacy, morale, and societal values of individuals include fraudulent business practices and unethicalRead MoreEthics Of Business Sex Differences At The Management Level Essay1651 Words   |  7 Pagesview, of ethics in business sex differences at the management level will carry over to ethical issues. There are various studies that support this particular view. Evidence has it that women and women differ on about four accounts regarding ethics. These accounts include moral development, ethical behavior, and sensitivity to ethical and ethical value system. This paper looks at the differences between men and women when it comes to ethical matters within the working environment. Moral developmentRead MoreEthical Issues in the Insurance Industry1326 Words   |  6 PagesEthical Issues in the Insurance Industry Jeff Bolling Columbia College Abstract Ethical behavior is crucial to preserving not only the trust on which insurance transactions are based, but also the public’s trust in the insurance industry as a whole. Sometimes the push to act unethically comes from the consumer. How many consumers expect their insurance agents to falsify their applications or claims? You like your agent, he or she likes you, they really want to help you out, that’s justRead MoreEthical Issues in Relations Between Business and Customers.1562 Words   |  7 PagesEssay Ethical issues in relations between business and customers. Suleimenova Nazira. Management 11.852 Ethical issues in relations between business and customers. Nowadays, people the most part of their life spend at the work. At work, person has a contact with other employees, meets the requirements of management or personally gave orders to his subordinates. But also, the organization (enterprise, firm) in which employees work, constantly interacts with other organizations, the stateRead MoreEthical Issues1128 Words   |  5 PagesEthics Issues University of Phoenix MGT 216 Organizational Ethics and Social Responsibility 20th July, 2009 Ethics Issues Less than a year ago a regional property supervisor working for California Commercial Investment found an accountant stealing from the company. More specifically, the accountant was posting charges for one of our buildings (i.e. labor and supplies for painting), cutting checks, misleading the owner to sign them and cashing them for himself. He was able to steal a few thousandRead MoreEthics And Supply Chain : Case Study1647 Words   |  7 Pagesand supply chain By VARUN PRAKASH @03021576 Abstract Supply chain is a major part of a business. It is a huge network which involves suppliers, customers, retailers, distributors and transporters. Supply chain is all about getting right goods at right place at a right price and at a right time .Time plays a very important role in any business .Time is money .Suppliers and customers are the two major participant’s .Demand and supply plays a very important role forRead MoreQuestions On Ethics And Management Essay1094 Words   |  5 Pagesmanagement and all function, face situation wherein ethical consideration play a major role (Jamnik, 2011). Since supplying managers are dealing daily with suppliers and buyers where they have to confront daily with ethical progeny s and have to distinguish between them. These government issues lead to a crucial legal take could affect the governance itself and the stakeholder. In supply direction exercise the ethics are considered the telephone number one issue veneer supply managers today (Elta ntawy etRead MoreDifferences in Ethical, Legal, Regulatory Issues in B2B vs. B2C Environment1309 Words   |  6 Pagesin Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Issues in Business-to-Business and Business-to-Consumer Web Sites Like traditional brick-and-mortar establishments, business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) Web sites face ethical, legal, and regulatory concerns. Although both B2B and B2C sites share similarities in web-based jurisdictional issues and general ethical considerations, each site has its own specific concerns due to the end-user relationship of the consumer versus business (Schneider

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Max s Wine Dive For Brunch - 2274 Words

On March 14, 2015, Olivia and I met at a very popular Houston restaurant name Max s Wine Dive for brunch where we conducted an interview of her life. I have known Olivia my entire life, she is a close family friend who has watched me grow into the young woman I am today. Olivia is a 62 year old retired middle African American woman who is married with five children where she currently lives in La Porte, Texas. She received her Master s in Sociology from the University of Houston-Clear Lake. She has worked in the field of education for over 30 years and has experienced many challenges. When she was approached by me to conduct the interview, I clearly informed her it is for a class assignment, and by her being an educator, she did not†¦show more content†¦It is so rear that individuals verbalize events that took place in their family at an early age. Brief Summary With all of that was said, throughout the course of the interview, all of the questions and answers severed a great purpose, and wished that each of them could have been incorporated in my essay. But realistically, there was five main themes that will take precedence in my essay. In question number 4, â€Å" If you had life to live over again, what would you do differently? She stated she grew up in a predominately Christian home where she felt deprived of some of the norms in society due to implemented rules set by her parents. She responded, I probably would have questioned my parents regarding their limits and boundaries, and would have made wiser choices. Secondly, number six question, How do you feel about getting older The response she gave was rather enlightening because she said the culture we live today is deeply gerontophic. However, she responded, Unlike others, I envision getting older as a basket filled with extended opportunities, great possibilities fi lled with vigor, wisdom and social usefulness. Thirdly, number eleven, What advice would you give young people to prepare them for aging? The one thing that stood out to me in her response was, Be sure that attainable goals are set as you migrate through life so there will be no regret in the latter years to come. Fourthly, number sixteen, What do you do with most

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Learning Vocabulary And Impacts Of Reading Essay

2.1 Introduction In this section the researcher reviews the literature from the past researches or opinions about the important of the learning vocabulary and impacts of reading and short story in the scope of language learning and teaching and also the relation between reading, short story and vocabulary learning. Theattention of this section especially is on reviewing of the impacts of the reading story on English, especially, vocabulary learning of the EFL learners. For the first part of this chapter, it’s better to start with the definition of vocabulary. 2.2 The conceptual definition of vocabulary What is vocabulary? If we want to define the vocabulary, it is the knowledge of words their meanings. As Stahl (2005) states, vocabulary knowledge is knowledge; the knowledge of word not only implies a definition, but also implies how that word fits into the world. Vocabulary can have at least three different meanings; 1. All of the words in a language; new words are constantly being added to language. 2. The words used in a particular context That is necessary to improve your business vocabulary if you are going to do MBA 3. The words which an individual person knows them The teacher said that my vocabulary is good. There is a difference between Active And Passive Vocabulary in our own individual vocabulary, the words which we understand and use them are called our active vocabulary and the words which we understand but do not or cannot use them are called ourShow MoreRelatedCritical Instructional Components For Helping Students Learn1434 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction One of the identified critical instructional components for helping students learn to read is vocabulary. Since the National Reading Panel (2000) and the National Early Literacy Panel (2009) reported that strong early oral vocabulary knowledge is a predictor for later successful reading outcomes, an increased research and teaching focus in this area has arisen. The achievement gap that is a central concern in education and society today is associated to a â€Å"word gap† that begins earlyRead MoreUsing Online Literacy Software Programs1562 Words   |  7 Pagesof ELLs were bellow mastery in vocabulary. Therefore, the researchers is aiming to study and discover whether the online digital programs being used in the classroom help ELLs master the academic vocabulary to understand advanced texts. Given these facts, the researcher has proposed himself to focus his action research on the following question: Will the ELLs improve their comprehension skills of expository texts by focusing most of their practices on vocabulary development through the use ofRead MoreThe Problem With English Language Learners801 Words   |  4 PagesOne of the reasons that some students struggle in studying and learning in core areas is lack of content-related vocabulary. We acknowledge that the most challenging situation is with English language learners (ELLs). This is the reason Texas has adopted the English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS) to be able to support the ELLs as they learn the required Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS). However, on a large scale, we observe that even some of our students who are native EnglishRead MoreCognitive Theory And Teaching Vocabulary Enhancement For Various Types Of Learners1620 Words   |  7 PagesOver the years, vocabulary has become increasingly important in the content areas such as English, social studies, mathematics and science. Vocabulary kno wledge and comprehension is crucial. Although there are many different causes for students’ shortfalls in reading comprehension, there are a variety of strategies to improve these deficits (Biemiller, 2006). This paper looks at the many studies performed on strategies for vocabulary enhancement for various types of learners, as well as instructionalRead MoreThe Key Components of Successful Reading Essay1673 Words   |  7 PagesReading is believed to be an easy task, something we all learning and develop through the years as we grow, however, is it really that simple? To reading and understanding are both essential when a student begins to read. It is a complex action that requires a multitude of different actions/components, all working at the same time, to become a successful reader. The components that are pertinent to reading are: comprehension, oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, fluency and vocabularyRead MoreHow Language Abilities and Deficiencies Impact L iteracy Development1529 Words   |  7 PagesHow Language Abilities and Deficiencies Impact Literacy Development Ashanti Gordon Grand Canyon University: ECH 515 December 12, 2012 How Language Abilities and Deficiencies Impact Literacy Development Multnomah County had a survey done for kindergarten teachers. The results suggested that 19.4% of their students were not headed toward literacy success, due to a lack of necessary language and pre-reading skills. There is a 90% probability of a child that is a poor reader in first gradeRead MoreReading Strategy That Read Longer Texts For Global Understanding Essay1127 Words   |  5 PagesExtensive reading is a reading strategy that read longer texts for global understanding. This study was assessed the culture of extensive readers and the difference between extensive and non extensive readers speaking fluency. Additionally, assessed that students who read extensively could speak fluently and the role of extensive in developing speaking skill was well assessed. The study was delimited on third year English language and literature student of Wolaita Sodo University. The researcherRead MoreEnglish As Second Law Essay1027 Words   |  5 Pagesmeasure reading and vocabulary in a ddition to the student’s Grade Point Average (GPA) for acceptance into colleges and universities. Moreover, Marzano’s study (2014) showed that students who speak a second language at home indicated when they were younger; they were not exposed to as much reading or writing as students who only spoke English. The lack of consistent reading at home limits the student’s exposure to reading and vocabulary. According to Marzano (2014), the lack of exposure to reading andRead MoreThe Importance Of Early Vocabulary For Literacy Achievement953 Words   |  4 Pagesreview of the article entitled, â€Å"The Importance of Early Vocabulary for Literacy Achievement in High Poverty Schools.† The article was co-written by Lowry Hemphill of Wheelock College and Terrence Tivnan of the Harvard Graduate School of Education. The article was published by the Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk in 2008. The author’s objective was to gather data supporting the correlation between early literacy vocabulary skills and literacy achievement in students raised in lowRead MoreSt John s High School1312 Words   |  6 Pagesacademic and domain-specific vocabulary. For many of the students in my class, vocabulary instruction is of chief importance to their reading comprehension and their understanding of larger concepts discussed in class. The standard I am choosing to discuss is one I implement weekly, if not daily, in my lessons because without the skills and strategies to learn new words and understand the various meanings of words and phrases, students will struggle to succeed in other reading or writing standards.

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

What Is the Definition of Marketing free essay sample

Indeed there are many aspects of marketing which make it difficult to define. As individuals we must clearly identify marketing and its purpose. In the reading we envisage with the composers meaning and definition of marketing and we also explore the marketing concepts and processes. Cooke, Urban and Abhorrences central thesis is that definitions of marketing need to change to reflect changes to the environment. Many people come to conclude that marketing is based only as selling and advertising. That is true but what we dont seem to acknowledge that selling and advertising are only the tip of the marketing iceberg.Over the past half century companies have sold many of their products through marketing. One of the concepts which are rarely used today is the selling concept. This concept was specifically based on selling and promoting and generating profits through sales volume. However in the 21st century organizations moved to what we call today the marketing concept. We will write a custom essay sample on What Is the Definition of Marketing or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This concept is based on customer needs. Meeting the needs, ants and demands of customers can evidently in the end lead to profits through customer satisfaction, therefore allowing them to develop a bond and a relationship.The marketing concept plays a part of the culture that guides organizational decision making Mascara in 1972 proposed that for a firm to adopt a market orientation It must exhibit both processes and structures designed to enhance customer satisfaction. As the definition of marketing has changed over the many years we can see how each time period the definition changes In order to refocus towards the aeration of value for customers and organizational stakeholders that enhance long term relationships.In 1935 the American Marketing Association defined marketing as the performance of business activities that direct the flow of goods, and services from producers to consumers. In 2004 the AMA defined marketing as an organizational function and a set of processed for c reating, communicating ad delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships In ways that benefit the organization and Its stakeholders. Through the Mamas perception and Idea of marketing, firms began to change their processes and Ideas to meet the needs and wants of customers.Of course the most basic concept underlying marketing Is that of human needs. Marketing Is so basic that It cannot be considered a separate function. It Is the whole business seen from the point of view of Its final result, that Is, from the customers point of view. Business success Is not determined by the producer but by the customer. Undoubtedly It can be argued that marketing Is n organizational function not an Individual function.The purpose of marketing Is to create value and customer satisfaction. Cooke, ray burn and Firebombed Introduce a number of defenseless of marketing spanning 1920 1989. These Include the economic utility viewpoint, consumer viewpoint, societal viewpoint and the managerial viewpoint. These are put to piece by Cooke, ray burn and Firebombed. As the reader we can agree that theses five viewpoints adopted evidently reveal the true definition of marketing. However as the responder one can feel that theWhat Is the Definition of Marketing By molly 7 making Mascara in 1972 proposed that for a firm to adopt a market orientation it see how each time period the definition changes in order to refocus towards the delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders. Through the Mamas perception and idea of marketing, firms began to change their processes and ideas to meet the marketing is that of human needs. Marketing is so basic that it cannot be considered a separate function.